H+54 Phillip Clarke
Veterans for Peace Coordinator for the UK, Phillip Clarke is also a former member of the Intelligence Corps and the Royal Army Medical Corps.
Veterans for Peace Coordinator for the UK, Phillip Clarke is also a former member of the Intelligence Corps and the Royal Army Medical Corps.
A New York Times & Sunday Times bestselling writer, Gez is a former soldier whose most recent book “Brothers in Arms” tells the story of his time in Afghanistan and returning home.
Ric has deep knowledge of Media Operations, Information Operations and Strategic Communication. He also spent 23 years in the military, serving with the Royal Irsh Regiment and Royal Marines Commandos. He is now a Director of i3 Gen – a specialist consultancy that brings together Business Marketing with Military Strategic Communications and Information Operations.
A former officer in the Royal Marines, in 2017, he traveled to Afghanistan to meet a new generation of athletes who were redefining the culture through sports. Chris started the Hiatus Foundation in 2018 to support athletes in war-torn countries.
A former Royal Marines Commando, James is now a seasoned presenter on the Discovery Channel, a passionate wildlife conservationist and keen adventure sportsman.
Chris served as a paratrooper and sniper with 3 Para from 2008 to 2015, serving in Afghanistan on Operation Herrick.
Chloe Westley is a political commentator and columnist and currently works as Campaign Manager for the Taxpayers’ Alliance.
My dad! A recovering alcoholic, who now works as a volunteer for the Welsh Centre for Action on Dependency and Addiction – WCADA.
Gaz Walsh is a former member of The Parachute Regiment who formed the Sin Eaters Guild during his military service. He now dedicates his full time to promoting the brand and the community of civilian and military personnel that has formed around it.
Owner of Pegasus Investments and Landlord Furniture Co, Dale previously served with The Parachute Regiment on several operational tours, including Iraq and Afghanistan.
Author, explorer, ex-soldier, photographer, Levison Wood’s most recent exploit involved moving through some of the most volatile areas in the world, including Syria, Iraq and the West Bank. “Arabia: A Journey Through The Heart of the Middle East”, is Levison’s latest book, telling the fascinating story of his entire journey.
Mountaineering instructor Sam Marshall joined the REME as a Private in 1988 and upon leaving 28 years later had become a Captain in the Army Air Corps. He has since embarked on many successful mountaineering expeditions and established his own company – Monkey Mountaineering – providing expedition solutions to customers in the UK and abroad.
Ex-SAS, Ben left Her Majesty’s Armed Forces after becoming disillusioned with the morality of the nature of his service whilst on operations in Iraq. He is now a campaigner and coordinator for the UK branch of Veterans for Peace.
A military adviser to TV and Film, Ben is a former commissioned officer in the Royal Tank Regiment, serving in operational theatres including Afghanistan. He is also the founder of Bare Arms – Military Support to TV and Film.
An experienced Fraud Investigator, Nick left the British Army in 2004 and immediately deployed to Sierra Leone as Security Manager at a diamond mine. AMong other ventures, Nick has worked alongside Brian Tough for several years, helping make Argus Europe Ltd a success.
A former Royal Signaller and Special Forces soldier during the 1970’s and 1980’s, Brian is also a member of Mensa, a former firefighter, commercial pilot and bodyguard to the Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia. In 1994 he is established a successful Close Protection and Surveillance company, now called Argus Europe Ltd., still operating today.
A clinical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, Andy works to improve the mental health of his clients through his practice called Peak Personal Performance. He is also a World Record Holder, having completed 66 ultra-marathons, in 66 consecutive days across the UK’s 66 cities, to raise money for the Army Benevolent Fund.
Currently working in HSBC’s Regional EU IT and Cyber team as the UK Cyber Lead, Liz previously served as an officer in the RAF and the British Army in critical roles, including Battlespace Management during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
A former military dentist, high level rugby player and co-founder of Rugby 4 Heroes, Roy is attempting to row 3000 miles across the Atlantic with the Atlantic Mavericks.
Paul is the President of Enterprise for Inmarsat, co-founder of Revenant Cider and a former commissioned officer who served with 216 Signals Squadron as part of 16 Air Assault Brigade.