H-Hour Podcast #91 Doug Hook – Sniper, photographer, writer

Doug is currently a news reporter for MassLive, and based in Springfield, Massachusetts. Previously, he has covered stories and produced work in China, Syria and Venezuela. Prior to his career in media, Doug served as a sniper with HM Forces (Parachute Regiment), serving on two tours of Afghanistan.

H-Hour Podcast #88 Richard Browning

“Real life Iron-man” | Inventor | Entrepreneur >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Richard has been dubbed the real life Iron Man by media outlets due to his success in developing a jet suit after founding Gravity Industries in 2017.

H-Hour Podcast #87 Paul Raison

Parachute Regiment | Falklands veteran >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At 18years old Paul deployed to the Falklands Islands as a Private with 3 Para in 1982, following Argentina’s invasion and occupation of the British territory. He has has since served over 30years with The Parachute Regiment and is currently Secretary of The Parachute Regimental Association.

H-Hour Podcast #86 Ian Elliot

Entrepreneur | Founder of Animal | Elliot Brown Watches >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ian is co-founder of Iconic clothing and lifestyle brand Animal, co-founder of Elliot Brown Watches and an outdoor sports enthusiast.

H-Hour Podcast #85 Andy Hall

Nurse | Infection Control | Army Medic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In 2014, when foreign nationals were fleeing Sierra Leone due to the Ebola virus outbreak which was causing upto 90% mortality rates, Andy flew into the country to help wherever he could. He would eventually return to the UK nearly two years later after helping save thousands of lives.

H-Hour Snapshots #8 Jeremy Gibbs

Jeremy is the founder of Forces Farming – an organisation that connects veterans with employers in the agriculture industry who have expressed an interest in employing service leavers.

H-Hour Podcast #84 Gary Stretch

Actor | Director | Boxer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gary is a British director, a former professional boxer and actor. His documentary about UFC fighter Rhonda Rousey, entitled “Through My Father’s Eyes” is on Netflix now.

H-Hour Snapshots #7 Jo Leslie

Jo Leslie is currently a Covid-19 ICU Nurse at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, Scotland and also co-founder of Headshed Base – a retreat for people suffering from mental health issues.

H-Hour Podcast #83 Nigel Farage

Politician | Brexit Party >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nigel Farage is a British politician and broadcaster. He has been leader of the Brexit Party since 2019, and served as Member of the European Parliament for South East England from 1999 until the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU in 2020.

H-Hour Podcast #82 Ailu

Lecturer | Gender Studies | Feminist Theory >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ailu is an Argentinian university lecturer who specialises in feminist theory and queer studies.

H-Hour Podcast #81 Ebola Ian

Virologist   |   Infection Control   |   Team Rubicon UK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ian Hancock began work as a microbiologist in the 1980’s with the Ministry of Defence. He is now a lecturer of infection control at the London Metropolitan University and a Team Rubicon UK Greyshirt.

H-Hour Snapshots #6 Sam Wheatley-Smith

Sam is the Operations Manager for Team Rubicon UK – a disaster response charity made up of predominantly ex-military volunteers. He has deployed on multiple humanitarian aid missions including: Nepal 2017; Sierra Leone 2018; Indonesia 2018; Mozambique 2019.