H-Hour #223 Film and TV chat with Bags Simmon

This conversation with Bags Simmons (founder of Bare Arms: Military Advisers to TV and Film) covers a range of topics related to filmmaking, including weapons collection, shooting ranges, sniper training, filming experiences, budget allocation, cult films, and inaccurate depictions in films. The discussion highlights the challenges and considerations involved in creating realistic action sequences and the impact of budget on the quality of productions. The conversation also touches on the use of AI and CGI in filmmaking and the potential implications for actors and the industry. In this conversation, Bags and Hugh discuss the impact of AI on filmmaking, particularly in post-production. They also explore the range of actors and the different types of roles they can play. The conversation touches on successful actors with limited range and those with unique mannerisms. Bags and Hugh speculate on the future of film and TV, considering the changing landscape and audience preferences. They also discuss the possibility of doing future film and TV reviews. 

This episode was recorded at the Bare Arms HQ!


  • Filmmaking involves a combination of creativity, technical expertise, and budget allocation.
  • Accuracy and realism in action sequences are important for creating an immersive experience for the audience.
  • Budget allocation can vary depending on the production company and the goals of the project.
  • Cult films often gain popularity due to their unique qualities and audience participation.
  • The use of AI and CGI in filmmaking has the potential to change the way films are created and may impact the roles of actors. AI is having a significant impact on filmmaking, particularly in post-production.
  • Actors have different ranges and abilities to portray diverse characters.
  • The future of film and TV is evolving, with changing audience preferences and the rise of streaming platforms.